Prayer Request

Please let us know how we can be praying for you!

Prayer List

Let's pray without ceasing for these needs!


Prayers requests if you could possibly please pray for jesus to maybe show my mom's husband whaat grace is and how to forgive other's and prayers for my Mom an his to have a good summer, but pray jesus could heelp him to forgive 3 guy's named denny an ron an chris And prayers for Reconciliation And pray for a buddy of mine named jackie because she losy Her husband claudio An She has two nice daughters To take care Of Praay my friends named joe An victor and Michael wiill forgive Chris an be goood friends Again And pray we could do Something together For My birthday If possible pray for a guy at this local gas station who seemed to me like he was hastling me as soon as i pulled up over there to get The Gasoline, he said get gasoline or leave and i Had just Bareely pulled up, so praay that he could be a bit nicer to someone who only means the best for other's Praay colorado will open their bathrooms up so the travelers an the elderly an homeless will be Ablle to use their restrooms at places at night And Praay for colorado because the persons are reallly meaan this time of the year because The holiday just paassed or something so theen if possible prayers for all the entire persons In our country Prayers requests If possible pray for a guy at this local gas station who seemed to me like he was hastling me as soon as i pulled up over there to get The Gasoline, he said get gasoline or leave and i Had just Bareely pulled up, so praay that he could be a bit nicer to someone who only means the best for other's Praay colorado will open their bathrooms up so the travelers an the elderly an homeless will be Ablle to use their restrooms at places at night And Praay for colorado because the persons are reallly meaan this time of the year because The holiday just paassed or something Anyways my other requests are for the gas and electric industry. Prayers for my entire family and friends to be able to go on 3 vacations this yeaar an also Prayers for South china sea An Prayers for minneapolis And st paul An seatlle And colorado towns Prayers for actor an health Of bruce williis an val Kilmeer, For pete and also john, If possible pray thaat USA An china and also russia, Could get along an prayers For peace in the iraq, and ukraine An also peace in jordan and israel And lebanon, and in iran, And pakistan, and afganistan. Prayers for all the phillines And australia as well an For north and South korea an also japan And armenia and also nigeria. If possible pray that usa could deal wiitj Cyber threats and also naval An air threats and thaat we Could be alliies with india . And pray if possible for all the persons Of the world


My family is tryin to throw me Out on the streeets Praay for provision An Praay that i could get a bit Moore Hours And pray for also chuck Because he had complications On back surgery and he Is in the Hospital And pray for also joe An kristy, and kenny an His wife, and also connie An steve, joann, linda, laurie, Zoe, michael, chris, pete, rea And david an also his Familiy and also for also The Marshmen familiy An lily an My entiire familiy and LIly''s Entiire families And pray for My community and also for The martinez familiy An pray for President biden and Alsoo former President trump and Their families thankyou


Pray for me, dear Jesus, pray to send away the enemy named Satan from Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Viola Cleo Bradshaw is not Satan's Choice.Pray for an end to spiritual warfare for Viola Cleo Bradshaw. Pray to make Viola Cleo Bradshaw whole in Christ and to retrieve her soul fragments from soul rape and spiritual abduction. Can you send the spirit of death out of me? I died a little. I feel entrapped in my dacexabd space by concrete. Help me please. Can I have deep sleep and deep peace? I need my name in the Book of Life. A serial killer erased me Can you send away the spirit of abduction? Can you pray my old dog Seraphina has healing? Drive out the spirit of suicide. LIFT up Eledaa or Elad and Jhana Maya Bradshaw and deceased soul Donna Marilyn Lee Cassel to heaven with her dogs Moonlight Magic and Clover on the rainbow bridge. Amen. JESUS IS A GREAT TEACHER.


Please pray for me. Father God in Jesus name may I be obedient to You. Please bless me with a heart and life pure and pleasing to You. Keep me from sin. Keep me in Your will. Please protect me. Please restore me. Please bless me. Now and forever by Your gentle grace and mercy alone amen.


Please pray God to grant us(you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook) complete and permanent turning back to Him and complete union with His Son when all our bodies are alive. So that each of us may become the unique treasure of the one true God, serving only Him and living forever.